
Hey there! I’m Hillary. Thanks for stopping by! There is much I enjoy…being in the kitchen-whether cooking or baking (definitely not clean up), working on different projects around the house, sewing, the clarity of mind running brings, at-home “pie and coffee dates” with my husband after the kiddos are in bed and curling up with a good read (which can be more like a far-off dream in this current season of life:))

I love trading stories of how God is working, what truths He is currently teaching, and new passions and desires He is birthing or growing. I love how following God is an adventure…taking you places you never dreamt of, doing things you never thought possible, and stretching you in ways you never envisioned…sometimes it can be hard, but even our “hard” is not wasted by Him!

I love being real.

I am not very good at small-talk or “on the surface” conversations, or keeping plants alive for that matter (that continues to be a running joke in our family).

In the rare moments of being able to converse with friends, I want to talk about things that matter; what is going on at the deeper level of their lives. I want to know what weighs on their heart or keeps them up at night; and how I can pray and journey alongside them. I want to offer encouragement to keep fighting this fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12); and to not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9).

The Lord is so kind to breathe deep encouragement into our souls as we are transparent with each other. I love how the Lord honors humility, in being real and admitting struggles. He seems to work through our openness, releasing us from the imprisonment our failures or weaknesses can bring. His freedom comes as we “bring our struggles into the light” (Ephesians 5:11-14; James 5:16)

It is a privilege to hear the hearts of others and to join with them praying for the Lord to intervene. How encouraging it is to watch our God work! The Lord continues to kindle a fire to speak His words of truth and encouragement into the lives of others; that together we would spur one another on to know Him more!

I am a wife to a wonderful man named David. He is a very supportive husband, teammate, and best friend. He kindly and willingly hears me out regarding my crazy antics and endeavors…sometimes reeling me back into reality! He is my grounding force, my “steady”; he still makes my heart flutter :). I am grateful for the life that God has gifted us with together. It is an underserving blessing on my end, truly a James 1:17 gift from Him!

I am a Mom to six kiddos ranging from three to seventeen years old. Our life is filled with adventure, the fullness of activity, and at times, it can be quite a circus! I learn much from my children: how to stop in the middle of it all and pick up a book to read or pull up a chair for a “Lord-orchestrated” conversation. They challenge me as they display an unconditional love that mirrors our Savior, quick forgiveness, and restoration in relationships abound in their lives.

Amid all this good and blessing, life can still be hard. I can find myself disappointed with my actions, very aware of my failures or shortcomings, wrestling with a bad attitude, not responding in a way that honors Jesus, frustrated with my husband or kids, or just having a rough day.

Maybe you can resonate with that…maybe we are a lot alike? The Lord continues to teach me the importance of opening up and being vulnerable about my weaknesses. I hope my transparency invites you to share as well. As we share, I pray we point each other to Christ, to the One who delights to work in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12: 9-10), who has the ability to transform us into new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Thank you for taking the time to look around. I am praying you will be encouraged by the truths of His Word!
