ep 17 “gospel-centered parenting: the teenage years” with dave and janet anglin

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On today’s episode, we are talking about some common perceptions of the teen years but what this season can be in light of the gospel.  How we can walk alongside and shepherd our children’s hearts in these years?  How can we help them navigate this transition into adulthood?  If more is “caught than taught,” how can we live out an “authentic faith”, an overflow of who Jesus is to us, in front of them?  What about those of us who feel we are too far into these years and have lost too much ground…what can we do?

I am sitting down with parents, Dave and Janet Anglin, as we talk about this and more as we continue in our series entitled “gospel-centered parenting.” Dave ministers as the Lead Pastor of CrossLife Church in Johnson City, TN and Janet serves her family, church and community in many ways for the spread and multiplication of the gospel. They speak humbly and transparently as they draw from the truths of scripture to help us grasp the Lord’s leading and counsel for these teen years. I hope you walk away encouraged and spurred on in your walk of parenting.

Dave and Janet’s Recommended Resources:

Tripp, Paul David. Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens. New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1997.

Tripp, Tedd. Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Wapwallopen, Pennsylvania: Shepherd Press, 1995.

Tripp, Paul David. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2016.

White, Joe. Faith Training: Raising Kids Who Love the Lord. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale, 1994.

Ascol, Thomas K. Truth and Grace: Catechism and Memory Book 1. www.founders.org.

Crouch, Andy. The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2017.

Community Bible Reading Journal. www.thecbrjournal.com


ep 18 “gospel-centered parenting: empty nest years” with steve and julie lane


ep 16 “gospel-centered parenting: the middle years and many” with chris and sabrina miller