ep 10 “relationships: what about when it’s beyond our imagination?” with john and alicia mcmurray part 1


What about when we are weary in the “wilderness” experiences life can bring? Is the Lord really at work in these seasons that can seem dry and barren? How do we keep on going? What about when the enemy’s attacks seem relentless; would it be easier to just back away from the “front lines” of following Jesus in abandonment? Would we really miss out on that much?

On today’s episode of as we press, I am sitting down with John and Alicia McMurray as we talk through these different questions in regards to life and relationships. John and Alicia share of the Lord’s great work of preparation in both of their lives, how they navigated through their “wilderness seasons”, God’s strategic placement of friends and family in their lives and how God redeemed and restored in a way that caught them both by surprise.


ep 11 “relationships: what about when it’s beyond our imagination?” with john and alicia mcmurray part 2


ep 9 “relationships: what about when things change?” with jamin rathbun