ep 6 “relationships: what about the wait?” with katy anderson


A house to sell, test results, a prodigal to return home, a positive pregnancy test, fostering or adopting, a job interview…a spouse? What do you currently find yourself waiting for right now? It can be so easy for us to feel like our lives are “on hold” while we wait; for our “waiting” to become our focus, all that we see.

We are kicking off our relationship series by sitting down with katy anderson. We are talking about singleness and how we can ALL learn to wait well, regardless of our relationship status, in a way that glorifies God. What does this look like in our day to day? How can we keep the focus of our “wait” from occupying our minds and becoming an idol?


ep 7 “relationships: his take: loving our spouse well” with david stewart


ep 5 “understanding grace” with janet anglin